Friday, September 11, 2009

On Montel Across America Today!

I was so excited to be interviewed by Montel Williams today on his national radio show Montel Across America! Although we talked about Sirius, the only known canine casualty of 9/11, I loved that Montel wanted the interview to be on the upbeat side by talking about how the print of my painting of Sirius raises money to help train dogs to be just like Sirius. I want everyone to remember what a true American hero this dog was! To hear the interview go here...

Here's a picture of me, the Sirius painting and Emma.

Let's all take a moment to reflect and remember this day and all it means to the people of the great city of New York and our great country...

1 comment:

  1. I love the work that you do!!! You capture the essence of just how sensitive and forgiving animals can be. I work with 2 rescue groups fostering senior dogs and cats. My home is what I consider their last stop until they find their happily ever after. I share my home with many 4-legged friends. My dream is to someday not be saddened by the number of animals who are left alone and frightened behind bars.
    Thank you for the wonderful work that you do. Although I love all of your work, one of your prints in particular is my personal favorite and has been impossible to find. Can you point me in the right direction so that I can acquire the print of Sirius?
