A lot of people have really strong opinions on the subject. I will share just a sample (which for the record I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with). To see them all go check out my Facebook profile.
- "I think that as long as you get a dog from a reputable breeder, you shouldn't be critized."
- "There is no debate....He lied."
- "I'm highly disappointed that instead of setting a good example by getting a shelter dog they made it seem like a pound puppy wasn't quite good enough."
- "Obama gave a dog a loving home and every living creature deserves that."
- "I am still amazed at how much the American people CARE what kind of dog this guy gets."
- "I am thrilled that the breeder took responsibility and took the pup back."
- "He should have gotten a pound puppy and saved a life."
Ron, I found you through a blog and I would love to commission you to paint my dog! I'm a big dog person...here's a couple links to my blog where I photographed shelter animals. It's where we got our cat too!
My kitty: http://lifesignatures.wordpress.com/about/the-not-so-baby-baby/
My dog (she's the white one): http://lifesignatures.wordpress.com/2009/04/10/kiji-update-2/
Your work is beautiful! And fun!
Hi Ron, I just stopped by to say Thanks for helping my buddies with all you do. I read your article about Obama's dog and I feel that he didn't show the kids anything about true love for an animal. Yes he got his dog for free so I guess he doesn't really care about adoptions. So I guess we animal lover will need to keep on going to help our little buddies that are still behind bars.